
Thermal Plastic PVC Coating Vs Powder Coating: A Comparison for Protective and Aesthetic Finishes

Aug 07, 2024

Thermal Plastic PVC Coating Vs Powder Coating | Betafence SA

When it comes to ensuring the longevity and aesthetic appeal of galvanized steel fences, the debate often arises: Should one opt for thermal plastic PVC coating or powder coating? At Betafence, we have a clear preference, and we believe it's important to share the reasons behind our choice.

Powder Coating

The process of powder coating involves applying a thermoplastic coating to steel to protect it from external elements. This is achieved by electrostatically charging pigment and plastic particles, which are then sprayed onto the sanded metal surface using a specialized spray gun. Subsequently, the coated steel is exposed to high temperatures in an oven, where the heat melts the powder, allowing it to flow and create a hard, protective surface.

While powder coating is effective, it comes with its drawbacks. Notably, this method can be complicated and energy-intensive to apply. Touching up powder-coated surfaces later on can also be challenging, as it can only be effectively applied in factory settings. The resulting finish tends to be hard and somewhat brittle, which is less than ideal for flexible applications like wire fencing, as it may lead to cracking and peeling.

PVC Coating

In contrast, PVC coating offers a simpler and more flexible methodology. At Betafence, we opt for a liquid thermoplastic PVC-based paint, in which the steel is dipped and then left to dry into a solid yet flexible protective coating. Not only is this method less carbon-intensive due to its minimal energy requirements, but it also offers practical advantages. Clients have the convenience and control to perform touch-ups using pot of touch-up PVC paint and a brush, simplifying maintenance and extending the fence’s lifespan.

Moreover, PVC-coated fences are more flexible and resilient to environmental stressors compared to their powder-coated counterparts. They are better suited to hot and cold expansion and contraction, as well as impact absorption, without the risk of cracking. Additionally, they require less upkeep, as they are more resistant to chipping, peeling, and fading over time.

While both powder coating and PVC coating can produce protective surfaces that look good, the advantages of PVC coating are undeniable. At Betafence, we believe that the flexibility, ease of maintenance, and extended durability of thermoplastic PVC coating make it the superior choice for long-lasting, gorgeous-looking fences.

To find out more about how Betafence provides the highest quality fencing solutions using thermoplastic PVC coating, or to explore our online store and place an order, contact us today.